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1. Definition
Antisperm antibody can be produced by either partner. It is defined as a certain class of protein attaches themselves to the sperm, causing other cells in the immune system to attack them, leading to low quality sperm in men and effecting the ability of sperm to fertilize the egg in women.
2. Causes
Since the protein can attach to the sperm, it inhibits the sperm function in egg fertilization
a) Blood contamination
A Man may produce antisperm antibody, if he injures to his testicle or due to surgery such as undescent testicle surgery, testicle biopsy, testicle torsion, etc.
b) Break down of the test barrier
Normally sperm are kept separate from blood and immune system. If there are damage to the barrier for what ever reason, the immune system may recognize the sperm as the foreign intrusion and destroy them.
c) When it is formed
For what ever reasons, antisperm antibody can be formed due to infection, inflammation or medicine, etc. If it exist, it may interferes with quality of sperm in men and make cervical mucus hostile to sperm invasion, leading to infertility.
3. Treatments
a) Corticosteroids
Corticosteroids is a drug which normally used to treat any swelling condition such as skin problems, severe allergies, asthma, and arthritis. It works effectively in reducing the production of antisperm antibody, but it causes serious side effect including make infections harder to treat, nervousness, restlessness, sleep problems, and indigestion.
b) Sperm treatments that use for ertificila insemination such as rapid washing and freeze-thawing.
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I hope this information will help you understanding more of the causes of infertility in women and men, if you need more information, please visit
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